Agricultural Market Access And Linkage Project [AMAL] - 2013

Project Title: Agricultural Market Access And Linkage Project [AMAL] - 2013

Funded By: World Food Program
Impact Area: Kenya – Isiolo County
Dates: June 2013 – August 2013
Isiolo County Map
Agricultural Market Access And Linkage Project [AMAL] 2013 | Projects | AGMARK


To build and strengthen the capacity of Grain traders to engage in output marketing activities under the school feeding program


AGMARK conducted trainings on; Introduction to Agricultural Output Marketing , Grain Aggregation and Bulking, Ware house Management , Grain quality Standards and Handling , Agricultural Marketing costs and Margins, Institutional (WFP, schools) tendering and procurement systems for GOK schools , Performance Guarantee Bonds and other Equity Bank Trade Financing Products for Grain Traders.

Grain Traders trained on Output Marketing

0 MT

Grain Produce Supplied to Schools


Schools Supplied With Grain Produce

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