Agricultural Market Access and Linkage Project [AMAL]
Project Title: Agricultural Market Access and Linkage Project [AMAL]
Funded By: World Food Program (WFP)
Impact Area: Kenya –
Isiolo and Samburu.
Dates: May 2014 – June 2015
World Food Program (WFP) partnered with AGMARK under the Agricultural Market
Access and Linkage Project to build the capacity of small scale traders to respond effectively to the Home Grown School Meal Project (HGSMP) in Isiolo and Samburu
Counties with the aim to support traders to benefit from the new market opportunity.
To build and strengthen the capacity of Grain traders to engage in output marketing activities under the school feeding program
AGMARK conducted trainings on; Introduction to Agricultural Output Marketing ,
Grain Aggregation and Bulking, Ware house Management , Grain quality Standards
and Handling , Agricultural Marketing costs and Margins, Institutional (WFP,
schools) tendering and procurement systems for GOK schools , Performance
Guarantee Bonds and other Equity Bank Trade Financing Products for Grain Traders.
Grain Traders trained on Output Marketing