Innovations in Gender Equality [IGE] to Promote Household Food Security Program
Project Title: Innovations in Gender Equality [IGE] to Promote Household Food Security Program
Dates: November 2012 – September 2014
To promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the agricultural sector by Designing, implementing and evaluating an innovative gender responsive capacity development intervention that enhances Agrodealers client orientation, support to Farmer input savings and loans (FISLs) and Women farmer leadership
1. To strengthen agro-dealers’ skills in supporting FISLs and promoting gender equality.
2. To increase women and men farmers’ purchase of inputs by catalyzing savings through FISLs.
3. To empower women farmers through targeted trainings and on-going support on leadership, group strengthening and governance.
4. To generate and disseminate learning on the effectiveness of different models of agro-dealer and
FISL capacity building as a means of better addressing women farmers’ needs, preferences and constraints in agricultural activity.
2. Trained Agrodealers on Business Management
3. Farmer Group Members trained on governance, FISL ,gender dynamics and gender equality in agricultural decision-making
4. Assigned Agrodealers and Farmer groups to ‘Intervention arms’
5. Trained Community mobilizers
6. Conducted demand creation activities i.e. demo establishment and field days