Strengthening Agricultural Input and Output Markets in Africa [SAIOMA]

Project Title: Strengthening Agricultural Input and Output Markets in Africa [SAIOMA]

Funded By: United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Swedish Foreign Ministry and the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Impact Area: Kenya –
Kitui (Kitui Central & Lower Yatta), Meru (Tigania west), Tharaka Nithi (Tharaka North), Machakos (Yatta and Mwala)
Dates: November 2013 – May 2016

Strengthening Agricultural Input and Output Markets in Africa (SAIOMA) was funded through a Global Development Alliance between United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Swedish Foreign Ministry and the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). In Kenya, AGMARK implemented the project in partnership with Cereal Growers Association (CGA) & Coop Consultancy and Insurance Agency (CCIA).

Strengthening Agricultural Input And Output Markets in Africa [SAIOMA] | Projects | AGMARK


To improve smallholder market led agriculture production for sustainable reduction in poverty and hunger in eastern Africa


1. Improving smallholder market-led agricultural production
2. Enhancing smallholder farmers’ access to structured markets
3. Strengthening farmer organizations’ capacities in institutional, managerial and technical aspects


1. Trained Agrodealers on business management, proper use and application of fertilizer, output marketing
2. Demand creation activities on use of improved seed and fertilizer i.e. demonstration plots, field days/exhibitions, linkage meetings
3. Trained smallholder farmers on post harvest handling and entrepreneurship
4. Refurbished, branded and equipped village aggregation centers
5. Promoted Agrodealer start up shops
6. Developed farmer based organizations


Agrodealers Trained on basic business management, proper use and application of fertilizer, output marketing


Improved seed & fertilizer Demonstration plots established


Field Days/Exhibitions Conducted


Smallholder farmers trained on Agricultural Best practices


Agricultural input Supply companies participating


Financial institutions participating

0 MT

Improved seed sold through trained Agrodealers

0 MT

Fertilizer Sold through Trained Agrodealers

0 MT

Grain Produce Sold


Agrodealers Associations Formed


Farmer Groups Developed


Agrodealers receiving Grant support


Village Aggregation Centers supported

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